During the event, Flotilla 21 updated participants with information about the situations at sea and on islands; the traditions, function and duties of the Vietnamese coast guard force and the Coast Guard Region 2 Command; and the Vietnam Coast Guard Law. Meanwhile, the teachers and students had an opportunity to visit coast guard ships to understand more about the daily life and work of coast guard officers and soldiers.

Teachers, students and coast guard officers during the flag-raising ceremony on board a ship
Students with excellent academic results in the 2023-2024 school year in a group photo with troops of Ship CSB 8002 of Flotilla 21

The event aimed to educate students about the significance of sea and islands, as well as the function and missions of the Vietnam coast guard force, thereby arousing their patriotism and national pride; raising their awareness and responsibility in studying to become good citizens.

Translated by Chung Anh