Representatives of Naval Region 3 hand over gifts to children.

A representative of the provincial Party Committee’s Information and Education Commission made the evaluation of the contest, titled “I love national sea and islands,” recently organized by the Coast Guard Region 3 Command.

With the purpose of enriching students’ knowledge about national sea and islands and related regulations, the Coast Guard Region 3 Command directed organizers to compile a questionnaire that was suitable with students’ ability and close to dissemination contents. Questions focused on contents of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, the Vietnam Law of the Sea, Vietnam Law on Coast Guard Force 2018, regulations on illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing prevention. 

According to Political Chief of Coast Guard Region 3 Colonel Bui Vinh Tran, the contest was divided into different parts. The organizing panel integrated knowledge about the sea and islands in games and quizzes, thus creating a fun learning atmosphere. Activities in the event also helped arouse students’ responsibility for abiding by law and enriching their knowledge to contribute to firmly safeguarding national sovereignty over sea and islands.   

Ninth-grader Vuong Ngoc Anh, winner of the contest, said that knowledge provided during the event helped her and other participants have deeper understanding about national sea and islands and the coast guard force, thus encouraging them to be more responsible for their homeland and country.

This year, the contests, which were held in both online and offline forms, attracted the active participation of students. According to Coast Guard Region 3’s analysis, last year, the force cooperated with the provincial and municipal party committees’ mass mobilization commissions to hold dozens of contests, attracting more than 100,000 students from 57 secondary schools in nine provinces and cities. During the contests, the Coast Guard Region 3 Command, in collaboration with other agencies and units, provided free health check-ups and medicines for fishermen; handed over gifts, scholarships, and bicycles to students whose parents are fishermen. Since 2017, the force has presented 120 bicycles and around 1,000 scholarships to needy students with good academic results.      

Students in Ba Ria - Vung Tau province join the contest.

According to Senior Colonel Le Van Tu, Political Commissar of Coast Guard Region 3, the coast guard force has organized many programs and activities to spread love for national sea and islands and enhance public awareness of and responsibility for protecting national sovereignty over sea and islands. He highlighted that of those programs and activities, the “I love national sea and islands” content plays an important role in disseminating national sea and islands-related information to local students.

He said that in the coming time, coast guard units will continue to hold more activities to foster youths and students’ love for national sea and islands.

Translated by Tran Hoai