With numerous positive innovations, the Coast Guard Region 4 Command has successfully conducted the competition in its stationed areas, generating a wide-reaching impact on public awareness to nurture love for the national sea and islands, especially among the younger generation.

Senior Colonel Nguyen Thai Duong, Deputy Political Commissar of Coast Guard Region 4, shared that in initial years, the competition was held directly with stage performances following the format of the "Golden Bell" game show. Annually, the Command of Coast Guard Region 4 collaborates with local People's Committees to organize the competition as part of the "Coast Guards accompany fishermen" program. Simultaneously, they partner with secondary schools to select participants for the competition.

At the competition in Chau Thanh district, Kien Giang province

In 2021, during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the social distancing measures nationwide disrupted direct competitions. The Party Committee and Command of Coast Guard Region 4 directed agencies and units to conduct the competition online via the Zoom application, connecting secondary schools across the region. The unit successfully implemented online preliminary rounds using the Myaloha software (an online testing software) to select the highest-scoring students from various secondary schools for participation in the live final competition. The adoption of online testing software attracted a large number of student participants, as all they needed was only a smartphone or an internet-connected computer to take part in rounds of the competition.

Each year, the unit introduces new rules and regulations to enhance the competition's quality. They have built a question bank with thousands of specific multiple-choice questions covering national history, local history, military traditions, Coast Guards’ information, legal regulations relating to Vietnam's sea and islands, laws regarding school violence prevention, drug-related laws, and more.

Currently, the unit continues to apply artificial intelligence (AI) technology and video production software to create more dynamic effects for the online competition.

In the coming time, Coast Guard Region 4 plans to not only expand the competition coastal areas, but also broaden the range of participants, ensuring that the competition continues to expand its positive impact.

Mr. Nguyen Quoc Khanh, Head of the Chau Thanh District Division of Education and Training (Kien Giang province), shared that the competition has provided an engaging platform  attracting numerous student participants. It helps students gain additional social knowledge while igniting their love for their country, and the national sea and islands. Furthermore, it fosters their sense of responsibility in protecting the national sovereignty over sea and islands.

Coast Guard Region 4 is the first unit within the Vietnam Coast Guard to apply a combined approach of online and in-person form in the "I love the national sea and islands" competition. Since 2021, the unit has successfully organized eight competitions at 58 secondary schools across 12 districts and cities in three provinces: Kien Giang, Ca Mau, and Soc Trang. These competitions have attracted approximately 34,000 students with nearly 72,000 entries.

Translated by Trung Thanh