Over 2,000 blood units have been transported to Southern localities.

One thousand blood units have been handed over to Can Tho Hospital of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, and 1,014 units have been given to Cho Ray Hospital.

Especially, this is the first time that 14 units of the rarest Rh-negative blood type have been transported by air between the North and the South.

Since July 30, the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion have received 52,682 blood units from donors in Northern localities. The institute has promptly provided 15,000 units to Southern provinces and cities. Half of them have been given to Cho Ray Hospital.

Dr. Le Hoang Oanh, Deputy Director of Cho Ray Center for Blood Transfusion under Cho Ray Hospital, held that the hospital’s blood storage is very low over the past three months. As of September 17, the storage had only 1,100 units. Meanwhile, the center has to provide 250 to 300 units of red blood cells and several dozen units of platelets for hospitals in five Southeastern provinces.

Two thousand blood units packaged before being transported to the South

Can Tho Hospital of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, which regularly provides blood units for over 80 hospitals in Can Tho city and Mekong Delta province, had only over 1,000 blood units as of September 17.

Translated by Trung Thanh