At the conference

The conference aimed to evaluate the role of reputable people in ethnic minority groups, draw lessons, roll out tasks and implementation solutions, as well as honor and multiply role models, encourage reputable ethnic minorities to continue to promote the tradition of solidarity, creativity and example- setting in working and production emulation drive.

Over the past years, reputable ethnic minority people have well done mass mobilization work, implemented the Party’s guidelines, the State policies and laws. They have proactively learnt people’s thoughts and collected their opinions, and promptly reported to local Party committee and authorities. They have also encouraged locals to take part in patriotic emulation movements, campaigns, contributing to local socio-economic development, national defense and security consolidation, and preservation of the whole people’s great unity bloc.

The conference honors individuals with outstanding achievements in building and promoting the national unity bloc and patriotic emulation movements among ethnic minorities in the 2020-2022 period.

Thanks to reputable people’s activities, locals have become aware of hostile forces’ “peaceful evolution” plots, mobilized their relatives to engage in preventing crime and social evils, maintaining political security, social order and safety. In addition, locals have actively participated in solving problems at the grassroots level, and coordinated with local public security and military forces to build people’s heart posture and people’s security disposition, and ensure peace in localities.

On this occasion, the Chairmen of the provincial People's Committee and the Fatherland Front Committee of Thanh Hoa chapter presented certificates of merit to 120 individuals with outstanding achievements in building and promoting the national unity bloc and patriotic emulation movements among ethnic minorities in the 2020-2022 period.

Translated by Chung Anh