The scholarships, each worth VND 6 million (USD 262.44) per academic year, were financed by the Vietnam Study Encouragement Fund under the Central Committee of the Vietnam Study Encouragement Association. The program will last for five consecutive years.

Presenting scholarships to pandemic-affected students

The beneficiaries are the children affected by COVID-19 and those who lost either their mother or father or both parents to the pandemic.

Earlier, the committee presented VND 200 million to 200 students affected by the pandemic in districts and Thu Duc city.

The municipal Study Encouragement Association, districts, education and training departments, fatherland front committees and associations have helped the disadvantaged children with VND 10.76 billion.

During the 2021-2022 academic year, the association granted scholarships to 44 students, of whom 16 were maternal or paternal orphans due to the pandemic.

Source: VNA