The event was designed to open up connection opportunities for businesses and organizations to accelerate green transformation.

Businesses signing cooperation agreement at the event

Addressing the forum, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Bui The Duy said that digital transformation and green transformation are inevitable trends in the world, and highlighted the crucial role played by digital transformation and green transformation in promoting economic growth, improving labor productivity, competitiveness, production and business efficiency, minimising dependence on sources of fuel that cause pollution and reducing carbon footprint.

Scientists and experts underlined the need to promote technological innovation and make changes in managing, training and improving the quality of human resources to create new products, new processes, thus increasing value of businesses as well as creating products for society.

Domestic and international scientists, and representatives from organizations and technology enterprises discussed solutions to speed up green transformation and digital transformation, saying that these efforts will help shorten the process of industrialization and modernization of the country.

They stressed that it is necessary to promote Horizon Europe's international cooperation program on joint research and innovation for Vietnam, and have comprehensive digital transformation solutions for businesses.

Delegates also proposed building a support mechanism for industries in green transformation and digital transformation solutions for Vietnamese businesses.

Within the framework of the forum, representatives of Quang Ninh province, the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA), businesses and organizations exchanged memorandums of understanding on cooperation related to digital transformation and green transformation.

Source: VNA