Under the deal, the two sides will coordinate in carrying out search and rescue operations in case civil aviation airplanes or military transport aircraft are in danger or in distress within administrative boundaries of Quang Ninh province.

At the signing ceremony

Both sides will also collaborate in identifying priority search areas; building and implementing search and rescue plans and search and rescue flight plans as approved by the National Committee for Disaster Response and Search and Rescue; exchanging information and documents related to aviation search and rescue between the two sides; teaming up with each other to organize dissemination activities, hold refresher courses and exercises on aviation search and rescue in the province; and supporting each other in the field of personnel, vehicles, and equipment for aviation search and rescue when requested.

Delegates at the event

The agreement also mentioned the principle of coordination in accordance with the "4 on-the-spot" principle in natural disaster prevention and control and search and rescue.

Translated by Quynh Oanh