Speaking at the opening ceremony of the festival, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam affirmed that the revolutionary press is a pioneering force, and plays a key role in the cause of national liberation in the past and country’s building and Fatherland defense at present. The event is a cultural activity to help enrich press activities, he added.

Deputy Prime Minister speaking at the conference 
The 2017 National Press Festival drew the participation of 470 media and press agencies across the country. The exhibition was divided into three sections, namely the outstanding publications of 2016, central press, and local press. In addition, the organizers also display photos featuring press training activities, and equipment and techniques for press publication.

Besides, a series of programs also take place during the festival, such as a photo exhibition, named “On every path of the country”, a workshop honoring “Journalist Luu Quy Ky and the Vietnamese Revolutionary Press”, a meeting for news organizations, State-run press and media agencies, and so on.

Within the framework of the press festival, a seminar on journalists’ ethics in the digital era will be held to gather a large number of delegates and journalists nationwide.

The festival will be concluded on March 19.

Deputy PM Vu Duc Dam visiting the People's Army Newspaper's display section 
Lieutenant General Do Can, Deputy Director of the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People's Army visiting the display area of the People's Army Newspaper 
An art performance at the 2017 National Press Festival  

Translated by Lam Anh