Responding to a reporter question on the information posted on the website of the U.N. agency that Vietnam pledged to complete a number of human rights reforms by the deadline of 2099, Hang affirmed the information is completely inaccurate.

“Vietnam requests the office to issue a correction,” she noted.

Spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pham Thu Hang (Photo: vietnamnet)

She said that during the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland on December 12, 2023, Vietnam and other countries pledged to advance the declaration via specific actions.

“Vietnam's commitments are made on a continuous and regular basis, showing the country’s non-stop efforts to ensure and promote human rights. These efforts are in line with Vietnam's consistent policies,” Hang said.

This is how many countries and international organizations demonstrate their commitments as well, Hang added.

Source: VNA