The Vietnam Farmers’ Union (VFU) received the Gold Star Order for the second time at a ceremony in Hanoi on October 13 for their 80th anniversary.

Attending the ceremony were former Party leader Le Kha Phieu, politburo member and member of the Central Party Committee’s Secretariat, Truong Tan Sang and State Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan.

Over the past 80 years, the VFU has renewed practical activities and called on farmers to join revolutionary movements for national liberalisation, construction and defence.

The Union has worked closely with socio-economic organisations to provide vocational training for farmers and helped them develop production models, which has contributed substantially to the economic restructuring of agriculture and rural development.

The “Studying and Following President Ho Chi Minh’s Moral Example” Campaign received a positive response from farmers throughout the country with the VFU’s assistance and proved effective.

VFU Chairman Nguyen Quoc Cuong said the Union will continue to intensify communication and educational activities to raise farmers’ awareness of the role and tasks of the Union as well as educate Vietnam’s peasant class in the cause of national industrialisation, modernisation and international economic integration.

It is essential for the Union to exert more efforts to overcome difficulties and challenges to build a politically and ideologically strong organisation, which involves capable and creative members, emphasised Cuong.

In his speech, Mr Sang praised the significant achievements the Union has recorded over the past 80 years and called on the Union to make greater contributions to developing a modern and efficient agricultural system thus helping improve farmers’ living standards.

Mr Sang underlined the need to introduce Party and State guidelines and policies to farmers and encourage them to carry out patriotic emulation movements effectively.

State Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan presented the Gold Star Order to the VFU at the ceremony.

Source: VOV/VNA