In the morning, the deputies listened to the Government’s report and the N.A. Committee for Finance - Budget's verification report on thrift practice and wastefulness prevention in 2022.

At the N.A. working session

They then looked into the law and ordinance building programs for 2023 and 2024. Minister of Justice Le Thanh Long, on behalf of the Government, further explained some issues raised by legislators.

In the afternoon, the deputies opined on the Government’s proposal and the N.A. Committee for Finance - Budget's verification report on the allocation of capital to the tasks and projects under the socio-economic recovery and development program, the assignment, adjustment and supplement of the medium-term public investment plan using the central budget for 2021 - 2025, the allocation of the national target programs’ investment capital sourced from the central budget for 2023; and a report on supplements to the draft revised Law on Prices.

After that, the legislators scrutinized some debatable issues on this draft revised law at the plenary sitting. Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc, on behalf of the compiling agency, cleared up issues of deputies’ concern.

The legislature continued with a plenary session on May 24, during which they worked on State budget balance, State budget balance audit, and State budget balance assessment for 2021.

They also gave opinions to the Law on Bidding (revised), the draft Law on Civil Defense, the 2% reduction in the value added tax under Resolution No.43/2022/QH15 dated January 11, 2022, and a transport project.

The meeting was broadcast live by the N.A.’s television channel. 

The 15th N.A.’s fifth session is taking place in two phases with a total duration of 22 days, with the first from May 22 to June 10, and the second from June 19 to 23.

Source: VNA