In the morning, the N.A. discussed and voted to approve the session’s agenda, with 471 out of 476 participating deputies voting 'yes.'

At the meeting

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai delivered a report on supplementary assessments on outcomes of the socio-economic development and State budget plans in 2022 and the implementation of such plans for the first months of this year. Chairman of the N.A. Economic Committee Vu Hong Thanh verified what Le Minh Khai had reported at the N.A.

President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee Do Van Chien presented a report on people's petitions to this session, while Chairman of the N.A. Standing Committee’s Ombudsman Commission Duong Thanh Binh reported on supervision results of the settlement of petitions submitted to the legislature's fourth session.

The working day saw the deputies discussing the personnel work and considering other important issues.

Accordingly, the N.A. approved a resolution relieving Nguyen Phu Cuong from the posts of member of the N.A. Standing Committee and Chairman of the N.A. Finance - Budget Committee. The legislature also passed resolutions approving the Prime Minister’s proposals on the relief of Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Tran Hong Ha for the 2021-2026 term; and on the appointment of Dang Quoc Khanh, Secretary of the Party Committee of Ha Giang province, as Minister of Natural Resources and Environment.

The N.A. also decided that Le Quang Manh – member of the 13th Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Can Tho city Party Committee, and head of the municipal delegation of 15th N.A. deputies – holds the posts of member of the N.A. Standing Committee and Chairman of the N.A.'s Finance - Budget Committee.

On May 25, the N.A. will hold a live-broadcast plenary session, considering thrift practice and wastefulness prevention in 2022; the draft law and ordinance development program for 2024 and amendments to the 2023 program; and the State budget serving the implementation tasks and projects under the socio-economic development and recovery program.

Source: VNA