Since its inception in 2017, with three members, the Party cell of Rao Tre village now has expanded with ten members, including nine from the Chut ethnic minority group. The party organization has regularly held meetings during which leadership guidelines and solutions are developed to help locals in economic development and new lifestyle building.

Though facing many difficulties, the party cell, with a high sense of responsibility and enthusiasm, has exerted efforts to lead the local people to follow the Party, further study and work for a brighter life in the future.

The Online People’s Army Newspaper would like to introduce several photos of activities of local people towards the Party and party members.

The Chut ethnic minority peope always hang national flags and Party flags during big events of the country. In the photo: Local border guard troops help Rao Tre people to hang national flags on the lunar New Year festival 2023.
Each Chut ethnic household in Rao Tre village has a portrait of Uncle Ho to remind them that their family name is "Ho."
At a Party member admission ceremony held by Rao Tre Party Organization in 2022
Vice Secretary and Head of Rao Tre village Ho Thi Kien prepares a draft leadership resolution of the party cell for October 2023.

Translated by Mai Huong