Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang sent a letter of congratulations to the VNMAC’s staff and troops.

In his speech, VNMAC General Director Major General Tran Trung Hoa underlined the Party and State’s determination to turn Vietnam into a nation free from bombs, mines and explosives. To do this, on April 21, 2010, the Prime Minister signed Decision 504 to approve the national action program on overcoming consequences of post-war bombs and mines in the 2010-2025 period (Program 504 in short). On March 4, 2014, the PM signed Decision 319 on establishing VNMAC which is directed by the PM, managed by the Ministry of National Defense and directly operated by the Engineering Corps.

An artistic performance at the event

Over the past ten years, the center’s officers and soldiers have exerted utmost efforts, overcome all difficulties, and excellently completed all assigned missions, contributing to the effective implementation of Program 504.

Addressing the event, Sr. Lt. Gen. Phung Si Tan applauded the VNMAC for its glorious achievements gained over the past decade.

To further develop the center to meet task requirements in the new situation, Gen. Tan asked the center to enhance research, analysis, forecasting of domestic and international situations related to mine action, complete the building of Ordinance on overcoming post-war bomb and mine consequences in Vietnam. The center was also urged to pay attention to political and ideological education for officers and soldiers, preservation and promotion of good qualities of Uncle Ho's soldiers, and the tradition of the Engineering Corps.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Phung Si Tan hands over the Third-class Fatherland Protection Order to the VNMAC.

Authorized by the State President, Gen. Tan handed over the Third-class Fatherland Protection Order to the VNMAC in recognition of its outstanding attainments in overcoming the aftermath of post-war bombs and mines in Vietnam from 2006 to 2022, making contribution to the national construction and defense.

Translated by Song Anh