Nearly 20 essential Tet items such as gio (Vietnamese pork sausage), Chung cakes (traditional square sticky rice cake), cooking oil, fish sauce, vermicelli, dried bamboo shoots, condensed milk, candies, and more were presented in booths to serve patients and their families for free.

At the program

Invited to the market, Ms. Nguyen Thi Liu, a patient of Military Hospital 7, said that the goods in the market were diverse. The medical staff managing the booths were cheerful, creating a warm atmosphere, helping patients alleviate the fatigue of illness. In the final days of the lunar year, Military Hospital 7 continues to admit and treat a large number of patients, including many critical cases. Being away from family during these days not only subjects patients to physical pain but also affects them emotionally.

The “Zero VND Tet Market” is an annual activity organized by the hospital during the Tet holidays. Colonel Hoang Van Ly, Director of Military Hospital 7, mentioned, "This year, the hospital has presented 350 vouchers for free shopping to patients, prioritizing those in difficult circumstances, suffering from severe illnesses, and undergoing extended treatment. Although the value is not much, we hope that these gifts will provide more motivation for patients to overcome the pain of illness, undergo treatment with peace of mind, and recover to be reunited with their families."

This practical and meaningful initiative of Military Hospital 7 has promoted the spirit of mutual support, medical ethics of military doctors, and noble qualities of Uncle Ho’s soldiers in the new era.

Translated by Trung Thanh