In a solemn atmosphere, the delegation offered incense in commemoration of President Ho Chi Minh, General Vo Nguyen Giap, and fallen soldiers in Dien Bien Phu battlefield.

It was an occasion for coast guard troops to express deep gratitude to heroes and war martyrs who sacrificed for national independence and freedom. Meanwhile, this activity contributed to educating troops on patriotism and the resilient fighting spirit of the military and people.

Below are some photos of the delegation.

The delegation offering incense in tribute to fallen soldiers at the Martyrs’ Temple in Dien Bien Phu Battlefield
The delegation laying flowers and observing a minute of silence in commemoration of war martyrs at the National War Cemetery A1
Delegates offering incense at the National War Cemetery A1
Lt. Gen. Bui Quoc Oai writing down on remembrance book at the National War Cemetery A1

Translated by Quynh Oanh