Representatives from Sao Mai Kindergarten and Thien Tu Tam Charity Group present gifts to disadvantaged families in Tuy Duc district, Dak Nong province.

In particular, 180 local students received gifts, each including school bags, school supplies, milk, and candy from the two units. Additionally, each of the 80 disadvantaged families of the students were provided with 10kg of rice, instant noodles, cooking oil, monosodium glutamate, and other necessities.

Thien Tu Tam Charity Group also gifted Sao Mai Kindergarten with a number of school supplies and facilities including beds, tables, and chairs.

Ngo Phuong Tam, a representative of the group, said that though these gifts were small in value, they were the gifts from the heart of benefactors and the group in a hope that poor students will be encouraged to overcome difficulties and rise in their study. Such gifts will be a source of encouragement for border students before the 2023 - 2024 new school year starts.

Also at the gift-presentation program, the students had their hair cut, joined cultural and sport exchanges with the charity group’s members.

The same day, the Women’s Association of Dak Lak provincial Border Guard Command and Ia R’ve Border Post, and local party committee and authorities held a program “Accompanying border women” in Ia Rve border commune, Ea Sup district.

Needy households in Dak Lak receive gifts.

Ia R’ve is home to over 2,000 households with 6,901 people from 25 ethnic minority groups.

The joint forces presented 200 gifts, valued at VND 300,000 each, to the lone elderly, social welfare-benefited people and families of poor women.

They also handed over medicines, worth some VND 80 million, to the Military-Civilian Clinic of Ia Rve Border Post.

Over the past time, the Dak Lak provincial border guard force has actively teamed with organizations, individuals, businesses in and outside the province to launch programs to help local people develop socio-economy, eliminate hunger and reduce poverty so that local people have supported the border guards to manage and protect border sovereignty and security.

Translated by Chung Anh