Troops of the Naval Region 4 take the patient to Song Tu Tay infirmary.

Earlier, on March 9, fishing vessel QNg 92909 TS, owned by Le Thang Xin, was operating 50 nautical miles North of Song Tu Tay Island when Pham Van, a crew-member, suddenly experienced severe breathing difficulty, followed by unconsciousness, convulsions, and cyanosis. Despite initial  treatment given by fellow crew-members, his condition did not improve, prompting the vessel to request assistance from Naval Region 4.

On the afternoon of March 10, Naval Ship 471, deployed from Da Nam Island (South Reef), quickly approached the fishing vessel, evacuated Pham Van, and transported him to Song Tu Tay infirmary for emergency care.

Upon examination, doctors found the patient semi-conscious, with cyanotic mucosa, rapid breathing, and intercostal retractions. He was diagnosed with severe bronchial asthma complicated by right lung infection.

The medical team at the infirmary immediately administered oxygen therapy, intravenous fluids, antibiotics, and bronchodilators, closely monitoring his condition.

As of now, the patient’s health has stabilized, and he will remain on the island for further observation and treatment.

Translated by Minh Anh