The activities are to mark the 70th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s call for patriotic emulation. 

At the press briefing

At the meeting, Deputy-Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education and Head of the Steering Board of the ninth writing contest Pham Van Linh announced 21 winning articles.

Linh highlighted the increase in the number of authors, articles and improved quality of the articles. He emphasized that the articles, featuring the reality, helped discover good people and good deeds in remote and mountainous areas and left deep impression on readers.

On behalf of the organizers, Major General Pham Van Huan, PAN’s Editor-in-Chief, introduced to the press the 10th anniversary of the writing contest launch, the awarding ceremony and the artistic exchange. Accordingly, at the 10th writing contest, the organizing panel will focus on simple examples in life together with role models in high positions and in different fields and further exchanges among authors, examples and readers.

According to Gen. Huan, the artistic exchange and the awarding ceremony will be held on the evening of June 8 at the Hanoi Opera House.

At the briefing, delegates and examples voiced their opinions confirming the writing contest’s humane values, its wide-spread influence and hoped for success of the writing contest in subsequent years.

Translated by Mai Huong