Consolidating political basis

To learn more about the implementation of Decision 741-QD/TU of the Dak Lak provincial Party Standing Committee on issuing regulations on missions and authorities of party members of border posts joining party cells of border villages, we met Standing Deputy Party Secretary and Chairman of the People’s Council of Krong Na commune Dang Van Ha. According to him, the commune’s party organization has 229 members in 14 party cells. All eight villages in the commune have party cells which have party committees. In realizing Decision 741-QD/TU from 2013, the Party Organization of Serepok Border Post assigned 38 party members to temporarily joining eight party cells of villages in border areas. This has contributed to raising the quality of political meetings and leadership resolutions, thus promoting combat strength of party cells and party members and making changes in building political basis at the grassroots level.

Cadres, party members, and locals of Krong Na commune and troops of Serepok Border Post in a patrol to protect border areas

Talking with Mr. Le Tien Quang, Party Secretary of Ea Rong B village, Krong Na commune, we learned that the party cell has 25 members, of whom 17 are ethnic minority people. Senior Captain Ngo Anh Nam, Head of Drug and Crime Prevention Team of Se Re Pok Border Post, is a temporary member of the party cell. Over the past time, Capt. Nam has actively contributed his opinions to enhancing the quality of Party building work, consolidating political system, developing socio-economy, and ensuring order in the village. He has advised the party committee and party secretary to issue Party building measures and contents, contributing to raising the quality of leadership. His ideas have been highly appreciated by the party committee and put into leadership resolutions.

According to Deputy Political Commissar of the Dak Lak provincial Border Guard Command Senior Colonel Do Quang Tham, in realizing the decision, the provincial border guard command has sent 51 party members from border posts to temporarily join 38 party cells of villages in the border communes of Krong Na of Buon Don district and Ia Rve, Ia Lop, and Ea Bung of Ea Sup district. Those party members have well promoted their advisory role to enhance the effective operation of party cells. In addition, the Party Committee of the Dak Lak provincial Border Guard Command has sent four seconded officers to party committees of four border communes and advised party committees of the province and districts to add seven party members of border guard units to local party committees at different levels and seven others to local people’s councils. All the seconded party members have enhanced their responsibility and promoted their competence, contributing to strengthening political system at all levels.

Assisting locals in escaping poverty

Party members of Serepok Border Post providing farming techniques for the family of Tu Nie Mai Trang in Tri village, Krong Na commune

The family of Mrs. Te Nie Mai Trang in Tri village is one of the 65 households in Krong Na receiving assistance from party members of Serepok Border Post. According to Trang, her family has four members and before 2021 was listed among poor households. However, thanks to the border guard troops’ support of seeding, breeding, and farming techniques, the living standards of her family have improved. Senior Captain Y Han Hwing, head of Mass Mobilization Team of Se Re Pok Border Post has guided Trang’s family and other four poor households to dig a 3,600sq.m fish pond and build barns to raise pigs, cows, and chickens. Senior Captain Y Han Hwing voluntarily spends his monthly savings buying 30kg of fingerling, 50 chicks, and a pair of breeding pigs for Trang's family. Captain Hwing regularly guides Trang and her husband on how to grow grass for cows. Thanks to the efforts, her family now has a herd of 10 cows, and the living standards have gradually improved. Captain Hwing also provides support for plants and livestock to help them escape poverty.

In Ea Rong B village, the life of five poor households, namely H'Nhen Eban, H'Huyen Eban, H'Vet Knul, H'Liem K'doh, and Thach Thi Tuyet Ly, supported by Senior Captain Ngo Anh Nam has significantly improved. Apart from giving ducklings, chicks, and pigs to the families, Captain Nam has mobilized resources to donate breeding cows to help them raise their income. Since the living standards have improved, the people now feel secure to stick to the border commune and trust in the border guard force.

In actualizing Directive 681-CT/ĐU on sending party members to provide assistance to households in border areas issued on October 8, 2018 by the Standing Party Committee of the Border Guard Command, the provincial border guard command has sent 68 party members of four border posts of Ea H’Leo, Ia Rve, Serepok, and Dak Rue Border Gate to give support to 339 needy households, policy beneficiaries, and prestigious people. 

Since 2018, party members of border posts have directly supported and called on donations from different sources to build 86 houses with a total cost of VND 8.6 billion and 18 civil constructions with a total cost of VND 4 billion; provided free health check-ups and medicines to more than 9,000 people; handed over 20 livelihood models to poor households; and mobilized resources to build new-style rural areas with a total expenditure of VND 82 billion. Thanks to that, 95 out of 339 households in the program have won the title of "Culture Family."

The guideline of sending party members to border communes has helped local people feel secure to stick to border areas to comprehensively develop economy and safeguard national sovereignty and security in those areas.

Translated by Tran Hoai