Previously in the morning of the same day, Ship 743 of the flotilla safely anchored at the port, bringing the fishermen to the mainland.

They received health checkups for COVID-19 according to the Health Ministry’s regulations.

Ship 743 receiving distressed fishermen of the KG-94708TS to take them to shore

At the hand-over ceremony, Deputy General Director of the Saigon Military Port Bui Sy Tuan encouraged the fishermen to further overcome difficulties and continue to do business, contributing to joining hands with the naval force to protect the national sovereignty over sea and islands.

The Saigon Military Port presented VND 3 million to each distressed fisherman and VND 10 million to the family of the dead.

Fisherman Le Thanh Hung from the trawler expressed their sincere thanks to the Vietnam People’s Navy in general and the Saigon Military Port and Flotilla 129 in particular for supporting and taking them ashore.

Earlier at 7 a.m. of March 9, the KG-94708TS from Kien Giang province suddenly sank due to rough sea while fishing in the waters of Vietnam’s Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago. Seven fishermen onboard escaped from the boat and went adrift at sea.

However, because of the harsh weather conditions, fisherman Huynh Van Hong (1965) died before nearby trawler BD-97551TS approached the scene. Six others were rescued.

After that, the BD-97551TS took them to the infirmary on Nui Le Island (Cornwallis South Reef) for first aid and further treatment. Then, on-duty Ship 743 of Flotilla 129 brought them to shore.

Translated by Minh Anh