The meeting was chaired by Lieutenant General Tran Duy Giang, Director of the General Department of Logistics, and attended by representatives of Military Regions 1 and 2 and Military Hospitals 110, 91 and 109.

Lieutenant General Tran Duy Giang speaking at the meeting to assign duties to military medical force

This time, the General Department of Logistics sent a mission of 80 doctors and nurses from Military Hospitals 110, 91 and 109 to back field hospitals for infectious diseases of the Ministry of National Defense (MND) in treating COVID-19 patients. The mission was headed by Major General Nguyen Xuan Kien, Director of the Department of Military Medicine.

Earlier, in response to the Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s call for concerted efforts in COVID-19 combat and the Prime Minister’s instruction on helping southern localities combat COVID-19, the MND has instructed the General Department of Logistics, Military Regions 7 and 9 to establish seven field hospitals for receiving and treating COVID-19 patients in southern provinces and cities. Since the COVID-19 situation in the region is still complicated, the MND requested relevant units and agencies to send personnel and equipment to help raise the field hospitals’ COVID-19 treatment capacity.  

Leaders of the Director of the General Department of Logistics, Military Regions 1 and 2 encourage the military medical personnel.

Speaking at the event, Lieutenant General Tran Duy Giang praised 80 military doctors and nurses for their responsibility for the community as well as their enthusiasm and determination to undertake and fulfill assigned missions. He recalled that tasked by higher levels, all 80 military medical staff actively made quick, but thorough preparations for the mission. 

General Giang asked the reinforced personnel to be fully aware that containing the COVID-19 pandemic is a combat mission of troops in peacetime; therefore, they should closely cooperate with other front-line forces to realize the Prime Minister’s expectation to put the pandemic under control before September 15. He asked the military medical doctors and nurses to strictly observe laws and military discipline and medical ethics and promote the “for the people to serve” spirit when treating COVID-19 patients in pandemic-hit localities.

The military medical personnel have their body temperature checked before heading to southern localities.

Lieutenant General Tran Duy Giang also requested relevant agencies to create favorable conditions for the MND’s field hospitals and front-line military medical staff to fulfill their missions.

On behalf of the deployed military medical staff, Lieutenant Colonel Tran Van Kiem, a doctor of Military Hospital 110, promised that he and his colleagues will strictly follow higher levels’ instructions, promote unity and do their utmost to successfully fulfill assigned missions, contributing to containing the virus and enriching the tradition of the military medical force in particular and Uncle Ho’s soldiers in general. 

After the meeting, the reinforced military medical personnel headed to Noi Bai International Airport to fly to southern localities.

Translated by Tran Hoai