Flexible dissemination measures

Vang Chin To, a reputable person in Giap Trung village, Thang Tin commune (Hoang Su Phi district, Ha Giang province), has just made a round trip from border landmark 224 (2) to landmark 225 and gone home. He was tasked with managing the two landmarks so as to detect any arising issues to local authorities.

Medical troops of Hien Kiet border post, Thanh Hoa provincial Border Guard Command, providing free health check-ups to the locals in Chao village, Hien Kiet commune, Thanh Hoa province

In Thang Tin commune, not only Vang Chin To, but also many other households have also registered to take care of national landmarks. In order to mobilize the whole people’s strength to build a strong all-people’s border defense posture, Thang Tin Border Post of the Ha Giang provincial Border Guard Command has coordinated with the local authorities to boost dissemination work about new policies related to ethnic groups, while promoting the role of reputable people in the locality.

In 2022, border guard units held many programs to conduct dissemination work to many people, contributing to raising public awareness of law observance and protecting national sovereignty over border areas.

Conducting practical models to help the locals

Cut May Phim from Khanh Thanh village, Nam Can commune, Ky Son district, Nghe An province would like to send sincere thanks to border troop because of their support.

Previously, non-commissioned Major Che Dinh Dat from the Border Post of Nam Can International Border Gate under the Nghe An provincial Border Guard Command was tasked with helping seven needy households in the area, including Cut May Phim’s family. Therefore, the post offered Phim a couple of breeding pigs to develop his household economy. Non-commissioned Major Che Dinh Dat also assisted Phim to dig a fish pond.

Thanks to Non-commissioned Major Che Dinh Dat’s support, Phim’s household soon raised income and living standards to gradually escape poverty.

Over the past time, border guard units in the whole military, in coordination with local authorities, have effectively implemented socio-economic development projects, while enhancing defense and security in border areas, such as “Spring in border area” and “Standing by border women,” among others.

Accordingly, the “Standing by border women” program has helped 210 poor communes in 26 border provinces, mobilized VND 250 billion to build houses for needy people, and assisted Women Union members to develop household-based economy, among others.

According to Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Quang Nam provincial Party Committee Le Van Dung, over the past year, the provincial Border Guard Command has actively made recommendations concerning measures to protect national sovereignty in the border areas to local authorities, and supported the locals in poverty reduction, to name but a few. The activities have contributed to deepening military-civilian ties as well as promoting combined strengths in protecting national sovereignty and building strong border areas.

Translated by Minh Anh