When the flash flood came, the militia force of Ky Son district promptly rushed to flooded areas to help local people. The rain has stopped, but the flood water from the upstream is still pouring heavily, isolating some areas, causing numerous difficulties for the local forces.

Knowing this situation, the Military Command of Ky Son district has mobilized the militia forces of nearby communes (Chieu Luu, Na Loi, Muong Tip, Huu Kiem, etc.) to support Ta Ca commune and Muong Xen townlet in the settlement of disaster consequences.

Here are several photos of the militia forces helping locals overcome the flood’s consequences.

The militia force of Ky Son district (Nghe An province) helps the family of Mrs. Ngan Thi Tam (Hoa Son village, Ta Ca commune) surmount flood consequences.
Militiamen take a local to the medical center for emergency treatment.
Delivering food to flood-hit residents
The militia forces rescue a car, which is swept away and buried by the flash flood.
Militiamen take the motorbike out of the mud.
The militia forces of Ky Son district pull the truck of Mac Van Hang out of the mud.

Translated by Quynh Oanh