Accordingly, policy beneficiaries and national contributors in Go Vap district, Ho Chi Minh City received free cancer screening, together with people who had registered to be provided with free cancer screening tests. As scheduled, the program conducted testing for nearly 200 people.

During the program, they were examined freely in general terms, such as blood pressure, weight, and height measuring, blood test, chest X-ray, and abdominal ultrasound, among others.

The program was part of activities in celebration of 10 years of the foundation of the center (September 15, 2012-2022), contributing to raising the hospital’s prestige and responsibility towards the community.

The People’s Army Newspaper would like to present some images during the program.

Receiving examination forms at reception desk
The program is held for policy beneficiaries and national contributors.
Measuring blood pressure
People have their blood tested
Doctors providing health check-ups for people
Regular screening helps people soon detect and treat cancer diseases.
The program contributes to raising the hospital’s responsibility towards the community.
Conducting abdominal ultrasound
Doctors and medical staff wholeheartedly instruct policy beneficiaries and national contributors
The program is part of activities in celebration of 10 years of the foundation of the Oncology and Nuclear Medicine Center.

Translated by Minh Anh