It was part of the "Sentiment towards national borders, sea and islands" program, which is held annually by the GDP and military units nationwide.

During the program, the organizing board presented gifts to 15 war veterans of no-number ships; 25 families of troops on duty on Truong Sa archipelago, and needy troops. Meanwhile, the MR4’s armed forces presented a "100 VND" house, worth VND 80 million, to Private First Class Tran Xuan Quy from Dong Trach commune, Bo Trach district, Quang Binh province; while the Quang Binh provincial Youth Union Organization handed over two houses, 30 livelihood models to youths’ relatives and schools in the areas. In addition, the organizing board also handed over 1,500 national flags, 400 life jackets to fishermen in the province, together with many other practical gifts, totally worth VND 1.8 billion.

On the same day, the organizing board offered incense in tribute to President Ho Chi Minh and fallen soldiers in Quang Binh province, visited and presented gifts to policy households and needy fishermen, launched a painting contest themed "I love national sea and islands," to name but a few.

These meaningful and practical activities contributed to disseminating information about the Party’s guidelines and policies and State laws, thereby promoting patriotism among the military youths in the cause of national construction and protection.

Here are several photos during the program.

MR4’s Deputy Chief of the Department of Political Affairs Senior Colonel Thai Duc Hanh speaking at the event (Photo: Quankhubon)
Delegates at the program (Photo: Quankhubon)
MR4 Deputy Political Commissar Senior Colonel Doan Xuan Buong presenting gifts to war veterans (Photo: Quankhubon)
The organizing board handing over houses and livelihood models to needy people (Photo: Quankhubon)
Presenting gifts to needy students with good academic results (Photo: Quankhubon)
Awarding winners of the painting contest themed “I love national sea and islands” (Photo: Quankhubon)
Offering national flags and life jackets to fishermen in Bao Ninh commune, Dong Hoi city (Photo: Quankhubon)

Translated by Minh Anh