Thanks to the care of defense leaders and local authorities, and VND 14 billion from the Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MB), and other funds of the corps, MB-716 Kindergarten was built in Ia Dal commune. The construction on an area of 1,200 sq.m. can accommodate 350 students.

Gen. Luong addresses the ceremony.

Addressing the event, Gen. Luong underscored that over the past time, together with the people, the military has implemented gratitude work via practical activities such as inquiring after and presenting gifts to Vietnamese heroic mothers, policy households, and national contributors; building gratitude and comrade houses; providing free health check-ups and medicines, among others.

Delegates at the event

MB-716 Kindergarten was part of the Ministry of National Defense’s project for poor localities so as to thank them for always standing side by side with the military for the cause of national construction and protection.

Delegates cut the ribbon to inaugurate the construction.
Presenting gifts to the unit’s troops and employees, and needy people

On the same day, Gen. Luong attended a Tet program held by Corps 15 in Duc Co district, Gia Lai province, and offered 3,000 gifts to the unit’s troops and employees, and needy people, worth totally more than VND 250 million.

Translated by Minh Anh