40 years of border protection

Drang Phok village is located in the core area of the Yok Don National Park, the forest adjacent to the Vietnam - Cambodia borderline. Working as a ranger at Yok Don National Park for 30 years, Y Mosk cannot remember how many times he and border troops have conducted patrols along the border.

Village elder Y Mosk takes the lead in joining hands with the border guard force to protect national border and border markers. 

According to Y Mosk, border protection has made great contribution to forest protection and prevention of violations of national assets. On the contrary, patrolling and protecting forests have contributed to maintaining security in border areas. Therefore, apart from forest protection, the park's rangers coordinate with the border guard force to carry out patrols to protect national border.

When he retires, Y Mosk voluntarily joins the regular patrol along the border with border troops. Every quarter, Y Mosk, together with local authorities and ethnic people in Krong Na commune and border troops, crosses forests and streams to patrol along the border and border markers.

Y Mosk shared that the border marker is a valuable asset of the country clearly distinguishing the boundaries of Vietnam and Cambodia. Looking at the word “Vietnam” engraved on the border marker with his own eyes, he told himself that he would participate in activities to safeguard national territorial sovereignty until he was unable to walk. In order for local people to join hands in border protection, he must set good examples for them. With words and actions, he showed people that safeguarding national sovereignty is not only a sacred duty, but also the pride of the Vietnamese people.

Every time Y Mosk patrols the border, he cleans up the border marker, takes some photos and then introduces these photos to local people in dissemination activities. Thereby, local people actively join hands with the border guard force and local authorities to protect the border. 

A bridge connecting Party and people

In addition to taking the lead in the movement on ensuring security in border areas, Y Mosk has actively popularized information among local people and mobilized them to engage in activities to protect the national border. These deeds have inspired generations of people in the village. Up to now, more than 30 out of 140 households in Drang Phok village have registered to participate in models to protect the border and border markers and join patrols with border troops.

Local authorities and people of Krong Na commune, together with border troops, conduct patrols along the border. 

According to Le Tien Dung, Vice Chairman of the Krong Na commune People’s Committee, implementing Prime Minister’s Directive 01/CT-TTg dated January 9, 2015 on the organization of the movement “Whole people participate in protecting national sovereignty and border security in the new situation,” by now, the whole commune has had 11 collectives, 212 families, and 308 individuals registering to stand by the border guard force in conducting patrols to protect the border, border markers and maintain security and order in localities.

Source: baobienphong

Translated by Quynh Oanh