Vinh Trung is a mountainous commune in Tinh Bien town, where nearly 60% of the population is Khmer people, and the rates of poor and near-poor families are high. Learning about the situation, the Vinh Trung commune Women’s Union has carried out dissemination activities about the potential risks of domestic violence, provided guidance on family interaction skills, and asked village patriarchs and reputable individuals to encourage ethnic minority people to raise their awareness and change their behavior and mindset.

Troops of Armored Brigade 416 conduct law dissemination among people in Vinh Trung commune.

According to Bui Thi Tuyet, Chairwoman of the Vinh Trung commune Women’s Union, she has proactively researched legal documents to draw out the core, concise, practical, easy-to-understand and easy-to-absorb contents to popularize them among the union’s members, especially contents related to child care, wedding organizations, gender equality, and domestic violence, to name but a few. 

As a unit stationed in Tinh Bien town, together with many effective mass mobilization activities, Armored Brigade 416 under Military Region 9 has focused on law dissemination and education among local people. These activities have contributed to raising their awareness of law observance.

Senior Captain Son Da Rich, Political Commissar of Company 6, Battalion 8, Armored Brigade 416, shared that in order to raise troops’ capabilities and skills in performing dissemination tasks, the unit has maintained Khmer language learning groups, guided troops on key issues, and discussed specific situations related to local people’s daily life.

The highlight of the law dissemination and education work in Tinh Bien town over the past time is the combination of direct dissemination and activities of local departments, branches, and organizations. Attentively, party committees and chains-of-command at all levels have effectively promoted the activities of legal aid clubs in communes, wards, and towns. These clubs’ activities have contributed to raising people’s awareness of law observance and actively combating distorted viewpoints disrupting the great national unity bloc.

Translated by Quynh Oanh