An officer of Coast Guard Region 2 gives leaflets to fishermen at the event. (Photo: baophapluat.vn)

At the event, representatives of the Coast Guard Region 2 Command, the Quang Ngai provincial Border Guard Command, and the provincial Sub-department of Fisheries Management updated local fishermen with the Party’s guideline and State’s policies related to IUU fishing activities, new contents in the Law on Fisheries in 2017, regulations on fishing activities at sea, settlement of violations in fisheries, and law on the Vietnam Coast Guard.

On this occasion, the Coast Guard Region 2 Command and the provincial Party Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilization handed over 30 gifts to needy fishermen, worth VND 1 million each.

The Coast Guard Region 2 Command also presented 40 gifts to ship owners, captains, chief mechanics in Pho Chau commune, valued at VND 850,000 each.

Translated by Quynh Oanh