The 1968-born patient is a resident in Binh Son district, Quang Ngai province. The fisherman, who was working on trawler QNg 90828 TS, had a history of hypertension for many years. On October 11, he had a headache and experienced hemiparesis. He was taken to the infirmary on Sinh Ton (Sin Cowe) Island, Truong Sa island district, Khanh Hoa province and then moved to Nam Yet (Namyit) Island for treatment.

Having consulted with doctors from Military Hospital 175, local doctors diagnosed that the patient had an acute cerebral stroke and asked to take him ashore for timely treatment.

Under the request of the Ministry of National Defense, Army Corps 18 dispatched helicopter EC 225 with a medical team of Military Hospital 175 to fly the patient ashore.

Despite unfavorable weather conditions, the helicopter’s crewmembers and aero-medical evacuation team of Military Hospital 175 were able to reach Nam Yet Island. At 7p.m. on October 15, the helicopter landed safely on the helipad on the rooftop of the Injury and Orthopedics Hospital of Military Hospital 175, and the patient was immediately taken to the hospital for further treatment.

The helicopter lands safely on the helipad on the rooftop of the Injury and Orthopedics Hospital of Military Hospital 175.
Military Hospital 175's doctors take care of the patient.

Translated by Tran Hoai