According to Senior Colonel Le Van Dong, Deputy Director of the Department of Military Medicine, the delegation gave free medical examinations, health counseling and medicines to more than 1,000 local people, mainly policy beneficiaries and needy people in Muong Khuong district’s communes.

Doctor Nguyen Huy Hoang, Acting Director of Military Hospital 109, shared that the hospital prepared a lot of modern equipment to raise the quality of health check-up activities. In addition, the hospital provided free dietary supplements, worth 400,000 VND, for local people.

The health check-up program for border people in Muong Khuong district was part of the activities of the 8th Vietnam - China border defense friendship exchange. The program saw practical outcomes and left a good impression on the hearts of people in border areas, contributing to tightening military-civilian solidarity and beautifying the images of Uncle Ho’s soldiers in the current context.

Leaders of Lao Cai province, the Department of Military Medicine, and Muong Khuong district, talking with local policy beneficiaries
Local people waiting to receive eye examinations
An overview of the health check-up activity in Moi village, Muong Khuong townlet
A local receiving free medicines

Translated by Song Anh