The program was part of the activities to celebrate the 76th anniversary of the Wounded Soldiers and Martyrs’ Day (July 27, 1947 - 2023).

An overview of the program

A medical staff gives health check-ups for a policy beneficiary.

During the program, medical staff of Division 390 and Ha Bac commune medical station offered free health check-ups, health counseling, and medicines for policy beneficiaries while popularizing information and providing local people with basic knowledge about health care and measures to prevent and control common diseases, to name but a few.

Reportedly, in July, the division visited and presented gifts to policy beneficiaries, and offered incense at war cemeteries in the locality.

The annual activity showed the sentiment and gratitude of Division 390’s troops towards martyrs, wounded and sick soldiers who sacrificed their blood and bones for national independence and freedom, contributing to educating troops on revolutionary ideals and patriotism, upholding the nation’s glorious traditions, as well as tightening the military-civilian solidarity.

Translated by Chung Anh