As part of the program, over 2,000 officers, Youth Union, Women’s Union members, and Trade Union members from affiliated units of Naval Region 3, along with Youth Union members from their sister units, participated in barracks and training ground cleaning activities.

Youth Union members from Brigade 161, Naval Region 3, cleaning the coastline

They also reinforced youth structures. In addition, the participants collected and processed nearly 23 cu.m of waste, planted 2,340 trees, cleared 2.7 km of drainage system, and cleaned over 8.5 km of coastline and roads in the stationed area.

This activity contributed to raising awareness and shared responsibility for environmental protection among officers, soldiers, and civilians in the stationed areas.

* In response to the Youth Month 2024, the Task Force for Drug Crime Prevention No.1, under the Vietnam Coast Guard Command, collaborated with relevant units to organize a "Green Sunday" program.

Removing ads along the roads in Hai Son ward, Do Son district, Hai Phong city

Over 50 officers and soldiers from the Task Force, along with Youth Union members, youngsters, and Women’s Union members from Hai Son ward (Do Son district, Hai Phong city), engaged in waste collection and environmental sanitation along the 3km-long beach area in the ward.

The activities of the youths of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command contributed to raising awareness of environmental protection. The forces also made efforts to mobilize residents to follow fire prevention and firefighting measures, maintain urban civilized lifestyle, avoid encroachment on roads and sidewalks, proper waste disposal, and limit the use of plastic bags and single-use plastic products to protect the environment and community health.

Translated by Song Anh