Trung Binh Border Post handing over rice to the locality

In particular, at the event the border post handed over 1.5 tons of rice to needy people living in lock-down areas in Cho and Bung Luc hamlets, Trung Binh commune, Tran De district. The rice was bought by the unit’s fund and donated by local benefactors.

Through the practical activity, Trung Binh Border Post aimed to share difficulties with the community, especially in the time that the whole country is joining hands to contain SARS-CoV-2. It also contributes to helping needy households in border areas overcome difficulties during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Together with supporting local people to overcome difficulties caused by the pandemic, the unit has promoted dissemination of COVID-19-related information to local people, so as to encourage them to seriously observe pandemic prevention and control measures and contribute to local Party committee’s and authorities’ pandemic fight efforts. 

Translated by Tran Hoai