This was a practical activity of the college in celebration of the 76th anniversary of Wounded and Fallen Soldiers’ Day (July 27, 1947-2023), 73rd founding anniversary of the military logistics sector (July 11, 1950-2023), and in response to summer voluntary activities in 2023.

The program attracts the participation of many troops

With the spirit of “A donated drop of blood saves a life,” the festival attracted the participation of nearly 300 troops, and collected 287 blood units. The donated blood will be used to ease the blood shortage at Military Hospital 175.

Troops voluntarily donating blood

Over the past time, the voluntary blood donation movement has been boosted in the school, showing the pioneering spirit and noble deed of the troops. This was also a practical activity, contributing to educating troops about the spirit of sharing towards the community.

Translated by Song Anh