With the spirit of “A donated drop of blood saves a life,” the festival attracted the participation of more than 250 troops of the division.

Troops of Air Division 372 joining the blood donation movement

The activity aimed to raise troops’ awareness of the meaning of blood donation, which is a noble deed of Vietnamese people, contributing to promoting the beautiful image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers.

As a result, the organizing panel collected 250 blood units. The collected blood will be transferred to hospitals in the city to promptly save and treat patients.

* On the same day, in Buon Ma Thuot city, the Dak Lak provincial Steering Committee for Voluntary Blood Donation, in coordination with its chapter in the city, held a blood donation movement in 2023.

The event attracting the participation of many people

The event was attended by more than 600 troops and local people and 459 blood units were collected. The donated blood will be sent to medical facilities in Dak Lak province, contributing to easing the blood shortage in the locality.

Many of them are soldiers

A similar program was also held by the Technological Application & Production One Member Limited Liability Company (Tecapro) and the Military Hospital 175 in Ho Chi Minh City, in response to the All People’s Voluntarily Donation Day. The program attracted the participation of many people of the company.

Tecapro's leaders joining the blood donation movement

On the same day, the Tecapro’s branch in Hanoi also worked with Military Hospital 108 to launch a blood donation day, collecting 250 blood units in both branches.

Translated by Chung Anh