Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien and his entourage watch the center-produced scientific and technological products.

At the event, Major General Dang Hong Trien, General Director of the center, reported to the delegation, which was led by led by Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien, Head of the Vietnamese Sub-committee of the Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee for the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Center, on the center’s achievements in recent years, and its orientations and missions in the coming time.

General Trien laid stress on the center’s good outcomes in studying, testing, and evaluating the durability, reliability, and longevity of Russia-produced weapons, military technical equipment used and stored in humid tropical climate, in the fields of tropical ecology, and tropical biomedicine. He happily said that various products researched, produced and technologically transferred by the center have been approved for production and use in the military by the Ministry of National Defense. The center has also expanded its cooperation with Japan, the U.S., Canada, and other countries in monitoring, analyzing and dealing dioxin-related issues.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien speaks at the event.

Addressing the event, General Chien applauded the center for overcoming difficulties, trying to achieve the dual goal of doing scientific research, technological transfer and continuing consolidating and developing the time-honored friendship, comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Russia.

He highlighted the center’s active contribution to the outcomes of the military’s military-defense mission performance and active COVID-19 prevention and control.

The deputy defense minister asked the center to focus on basic- and applied-research to create more modern, dual-use, practical and effective products.

Along with boosting cooperation with the Russian side, the center should expand its cooperation with other potential countries to boost studies it has strengths in, and make the most of international sources, and advanced equipment to improve the durability of weapons and technical equipment, the military official said.

The center was also urged to study and develop vaccine, medical biological products to detect and diagnose pathogens of infectious diseases, especially new and dangerous ones. In the short term, the center should make thorough preparation for the upcoming session of the Vietnamese Sub-Committee and the 32nd session of the Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee for the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Center.

Translated by Mai Huong