PAN’s Managing Editor, Senior Colonel Ngo Anh Thu, Vice Head of the organizing panel of both contests, affirmed that the two contests in particular and the dissemination of information about the Army Games over the past time in general have contributed to popularizing the international annual military sports event that Vietnam has been participating in.

PAN’s Editor-in-Chief cum Head of the organizing panel Major General Doan Xuan Bo and Deputy Director of the Department of Foreign Relations Senior Colonel Pham Manh Thang hand over prizes to winners of the “Learning about the International Army Games - Army Games 2021” contest.

The effective implementation of the dissemination of the Army Games in general will help to attract more attention from Vietnamese people at home and abroad, encouraging and motivating participating contingents to achieve best results in the upcoming competitions.

Reportedly, the number of readers visiting the PAN’s online version and its other digital platforms to follow Army Games 2021 events reached 15 million, three times higher than that of the same period last year. This record resulted from the newspaper’s considerable efforts in boosting the dissemination.

Major General Le Xuan Sang, Deputy Head of the Department of Information and Education under the General Department of Political Affairs presents awards to winners of the online voting for the Art Troupe of the Vietnam People's Army.

The Vietnam People’s Army will regularly participate in the annual games. This is seen as an attractive military sports event for readers and viewers in Vietnam and around the world. Therefore, the PAN will continue to take more effective measures in its dissemination of this competition.

In order to better spread information about the games, the newspaper aims to foster collaboration with key units both inside and outside the military.

Addressing the event, Senior Colonel Phung Van Lap, Deputy Chief of the Department of Politic Affairs of the Political Officer Candidate School, stated that the school considers troops’ participation in the two contests as part of its political education work. On behalf of the participating teams and individuals in the two contests, Senior Colonel Lap thanked the organizing panel and hoped to continue to join similar contests in the coming time.

Translated by Minh Anh