Reporting the division’s outstanding outcomes in implementing tasks in 2023, the unit’s Commanding Officer Senior Colonel Nguyen Quoc Van affirmed that over the past time together with studying and strictly implementing higher levels’ orders and directives and well observing combat readiness regulations, Division 365 has effectively used radars and system of air defense observatories; well managed flights in designated areas; built combat plans close to the unit’s situation.

Senior Lieutenant General Huynh Chien Thang speaks at the working session.

Notably, the unit has effectively carried out party and political work in such missions as combat readiness, airspace management, training, regularity building, and discipline observance. It has also ensured timely and adequate logistics supplies and technical services for missions. 

While checking the unit’s observance of combat readiness regulations, compilation of documents, implementation of regularity building, and party and political work, Senior Lieutenant General Huynh Chien Thang acknowledged its obtained outcomes and pointed out shortcomings that need addressing in the coming time.

Concluding the inspection, the deputy chief of the General Staff asked Division 365 to continue to actively study, closely follow, and accurately evaluate situational developments; strictly observe combat readiness; well manage designated areas; handle circumstances in a timely manner. He urged the unit to train and effectively exploit weapons and equipment and prepare forces and materiel for missions. 

In addition, General Thang emphasized the need to effectively implement party and political work in missions; well manage troops’ thoughts and political situation in the unit; pay attention to building combat readiness plan; and foster education to enhance troops’ awareness of military discipline observance. 

* Also on December 15, Deputy Chief of the General Staff Lieutenant General Nguyen Trong Binh headed a delegation to inspect task implementation of Brigade 74 of General Department II and Division 315 of Military Region 5. 

Lieutenant General Nguyen Trong Binh talks with troops of Brigade 74.

The delegation evaluated that in 2023 the two units have thoroughly grasped and strictly implemented higher levels’ resolutions and directives on military and defense missions; strictly observed combat readiness; ensure timely and adequate logistics supplies and technical services for both regular and unscheduled tasks.

Concluding the inspection, General Binh asked the units to effectively carry out political missions and pro-actively cooperate with local party committees and authorities to closely follow the developments of local situations, thus making recommendation to effectively handle circumstances.

Translated by Tran Hoai