At the event, delegates recalled the glorious tradition and feats-of-arm of generations of the university’s cadres, instructors, doctors, nurses, cadets, staff, and workers in the Fatherland construction and defense cause. In his speech, President of Military Medical University Lieutenant General Nguyen Xuan Kien said that in wartime, the university's cadres, instructors, cadets, and troops stayed united and overcame numerous difficulties and hardships to both complete the training and combat missions. In the Fatherland construction and defense cause, the university has applied and developed new modern technologies to enhancing the diagnosis and treatment quality. Notably, the Military Medical University is one of Vietnam’s pioneering medical establishments successfully performing organ transplants. For its obtained results, the unit has been honored with numerous noble awards.
General Phan Van Giang hands over the third- class Fatherland Protection Order to the university. |
At the event, Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang handed over the third- class Fatherland Protection Order to the Military Medical University in recognition of its excellent achievements in assisting Central Military Hospital 103 of the Lao People’s Army in performing the first kidney transplant in Laos, thus strengthening the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.
Praising the university’s achievements over the past time, General Phan Van Giang asked the unit’s cadres, cadets, and staff to uphold passion for their professionalism and promote self-studying to master new techniques. The university should develop a long-term development strategy to become a regional- and international-level training, research, application, and treatment center. In the short-term, the Defense Minister requested the unit to continue to enhance the quality of training, research, and healthcare.
He urged the university to thoroughly grasp and effectively carry out the Party and the Central Military Commission’s resolutions on education and training; apply new effective learning and teaching programs; pay attention to investing in facilities and building high-quality human resource; extend connection and cooperation in training and research; strengthen management of and raise the quality of healthcare; apply technological advances to diagnosis and treatment; focus on building a healthy, strong, and exemplary Party organization; well carry out policies for troops’ families and national contributors; improve material and spiritual life for cadres, instructors, cadets, troops, and workers.
Translated by Tran Hoai