According to the committee, the historic relic site is a well-preserved military work that meets a number of criteria, such as possessing outstanding global value, integrity, and authenticity according to the guidelines relating to the World Heritage Convention adopted by UNESCO.

Cu Chi Tunnels. (Photo: Pakhnyushchyy)

The Cu Chi Tunnels, which are located in Phu My Hung commune of Cu Chi district, stretch a total length of over 250 km. They were dug with simple tools and bare hands in the 1940s, during the French occupation. The main axis system has a host of branches leading to underground hideouts, shelters, and entrances to other tunnels.

The site was recognised as special national relic site in December 2015, due to its historical, cultural, scientific, aesthetic, and creative values.

Furthermore, the area represents one of the typical revolutionary bases that was of great significance during the struggle for national reunification in the war against US imperialists.

Source: VNA