This year, the whole GDP’s Organs had 80 soldiers finishing their military service.

Senior Lieutenant General Do Can presenting gifts to the discharged soldiers

Reportedly, during their service, all of them fulfilled all assigned tasks, six were admitted to the Party, one received the GDP’s certificate of merit, among others.

Addressing the event, Senior Lieutenant General Do Can congratulated them on accomplishing military service and hailed their solidarity, contributing to the achievements of each unit.

He also hoped that they would continue to fulfill their tasks in new positions, promote virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers to play pioneering role in the localities. During the event, the GDP deputy chief presented gifts to the discharged soldiers.

Leaders of Regiment 754 handing over gifts to the discharged soldiers

* Earlier, on January 10, in Regiment 754, the Son La provincial Military Command held such similar ceremony for more than 200 discharged soldiers.

After two years, they were well trained in both physical strength and spirit in the cause of national protection.

During the event, leaders of the Son La provincial Military Command requested the soldiers to strictly observe State’s law and local regulations, contributing to the local development.

An overview of the ceremony in Regiment 82, Military Region 2

* On the same day, Regiment 82, Military Region 2 held a ceremony to bid farewell to its discharged soldiers.

Addressing the event, Colonel Phan Trong Hien, Deputy Political Commissar of Regiment 82 expressed his hope that the discharged soldiers would promote the good virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers and beautiful traditions of the military after coming back to normal life.

Translated by Minh Anh