At the handover ceremony

On behalf of leaders of the Defense Ministry, Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan congratulated Major General Hoang Kim Phung on his successful fulfillment of the duty as Director of VNDPKO. Major General Hoang Kim Phung will be retired from April 1, 2023. 

The Ministry of National Defense appointed VNDPKO’s Deputy Director Senior Colonel Pham Manh Thang as VNDPKO Director.

Major General Hoang Kim Phung has made great contribution to the foundation and development of the Vietnamese peacekeeping force. Since 2014, Vietnam has deployed 533 officers and staff to U.N. missions and U.N. Headquarters in New York. Vietnamese peacekeeping force’s performance has been acknowledged and highly appreciated by local authorities, people, and international friends. Major General Hoang Kim Phung was honored with the first-class Fatherland Protection Order by the State President.

Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan speaking at the event

At the conference, Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan acknowledged and praised Major General Hoang Kim Phung for his contribution over the past time and highly appreciated the outcomes of the Vietnamese peacekeeping force.

The deputy chief of the General Staff asked Senior Colonel Pham Manh Thang to quickly catch up with his new duties and continue to promote obtained achievements to create new developments in Vietnam’s participation in U.N. peacekeeping activities in the coming time.

Congratulating Senior Colonel Pham Manh Thang on his appointment, Major General Hoang Kim Phung believed that under the leadership and support of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense and Colonel Thang’s leadership, the VNDPKO will continue to achieve new outcomes.

Senior Colonel Pham Manh Thang (left) speaking at the event

For his part, Senior Colonel Pham Manh Thang promised that he and VNDPKO’s Party Committee, Chain-of-Command, and personnel will uphold and bring into play obtained results, build a united unit, successfully fulfill all assigned missions, and further build stronger peacekeeping force to actively contribute to U.N. peacekeeping missions. 

Translated by Tran Hoai