The three-day event is chaired by Major General Nguyen Van Hien, Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of the Air Defense - Air Force Service.

Commanding officers of units of Air Defense Division 375 receive missions of the exercise.

The theme of the exercise is “Air defense and air forces shift combat readiness postures, collaborate with relevant forces, prepare and conduct fighting against the enemy attacking the crucial targets in the Central region theater.”  It consists of four stages, namely shifting combat readiness levels, preparing for combat, conducting combat and restoring combat power.

Commanding Officer of units of Air Defense Division 375 issue an order of shifting combat readiness postures.

The exercise is held to enhance command capabilities and collaboration among participating forces to promptly deal with unexpected situations at sea, and in the sky and border areas.

Leaders of affiliated units of Air Defense Division 375 prepare contents to report to the division’s commanding officer.
Senior Colonel Nguyen Thanh Hai, Political Commissar of Air Force Division 372, assigns tasks to participants of the exercise.

In addition, it helps  the service’s commanding officers assess the training results, give suggestions to the defense ministry’s leaders on air force and air defense force’s combat, and complete their battleplans, contributing to meeting task requirements in the current context.

Translated by Trung Thanh