PANO - The Air Defense and Air Force Service (ADAF) of the Vietnam People's Army (VPA) wrapped up the competition for its regiment- and brigade-level commanding officers and political commissars on August 5.

Prizes presented to commanders and commissars with good performances

After five days of competing, 84 attendants have fulfilled the set contents and met all requirements with absolute safety. Notably 54.7 percent of them achieved the excellent grade. Through the competition, the ADAF has comprehensively evaluated the staff and command capacity, advisory role in training, combat coordination capabilities, political stance, capabilities to carry out the Party and political, technical and logistic work of its regiment- and brigade-level commanding officers and political commissars.

At the closing ceremony, the ADAF presented certificates of merit to four groups and 20 awards to contestants with good performances in the competition.

Translated by Huu Duc