PANO - The Party Committee and Command of Military Zone 2 is instructing provinces under the Zone to summarize 10 years implementing Resolution 33 on “Boosting the Party’s leadership over militia and reserves in the new context” signed on May 16th 2003 by the Zone’s Standing Party Committee. 

Over the past years, provinces in the region have thoroughly grasped the Resolution and cooperated actively with relevant organs to give recommendations to provincial party committees and leaders to seriously implement the resolution.

Accordingly, the leadership over militia and reserves has been strengthened, while the work of building and consolidating those forces has been carried out comprehensively under suitable structure, tight management and enhanced combat readiness.

The Militia and reserves are really faithful and reliable forces in protecting the Party, administration and people, contributing to building a firm and strong political base, upholding political security and social safety and order in localities despite various difficulties. The Military Zone also asked these to point out shortcomings to build stronger militia and reserves, contributing to consolidating the whole-people defence, defensive areas and whole-people defence posture in close attachment with firm people’s security posture to meet requirements of the new situation.

Translated by Mai Huong