Bulgarian ambassador Marinela Petkova (left) awarded friendship medal in Hanoi on June 6 

VUFO President, Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga said the honor is to recognize the Bulgarian diplomat's remarkable contribution to promoting the friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two peoples.

During Marinela Petkova’s tenure in Vietnam, the relations between the two countries have been reinforced and developed, with the diplomat having helped promote high-level political dialogues, support the implementation of Bulgaria's official aid program to Vietnam, as well as sign cooperation agreements at central and local levels of the two countries.

For her part, Marinela Petkova expressed her pleasure at the honor and thanked the VUFO, Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga and Vietnamese friends for the support they gave her during her stay in Vietnam.

She pledged to continue working to reinforce and develop the friendship and cooperation between the two countries in any position.

Source: VNA