Colonel Tho briefed Ambassador Giang on the training activities of the academy, and issues of the academy’s interest in international integration, scientific research, and others.

Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang (right), Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations and Colonel Prof., Dr. Nguyen Truong Tho, Vice Director of the People’s Public Security Academy 

For his part, Ambassador Giang praised contributions that the academy has made to the protection of national security and the training of high quality officials for the Party and State and the public security force.

He highlighted a number of contributions by the Vietnamese Permanent Mission to the U.N. to the country’s multilateral external relations and international integration, and pointed to a number of emerging security challenges related to the interest and national security of Vietnam.

Participants at the event 

The ambassador affirmed that the mission is willing to give maximum support to training facilities of the public security sector, including the People’s Public Security Academy in expanding international cooperation and integration.

Source: VNA